As a serious offense, robbery should not be mistaken for petty theft. In the event that you are charged with robbery, you should contact a defense attorney right away. Individuals charged with robbery in Tennessee face felony charges, fines, and prison time. Our attorneys regularly handle burglary, robbery, and theft cases. Our attorneys have years of courtroom experience and are familiar with the tactics used by the prosecution in robbery cases. It may be possible to reduce or even drop the charges against you, depending on the circumstances of your case.
Robbery is a crime committed against a person. It involves stealing money or something of value directly from another person by force – robbery often involves the use of a weapon or the threat of a weapon. Most times, the victim of a robbery does not know their attacker, though this isn’t always the case.
Tennessee Robbery Penalties
If you face charges for any of the robbery crimes below, it’s in your best interests to consult with one of our experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible:
The consequences of a conviction for any type of robbery can be devastating. These are all felony crimes, which means you have to report them when you apply for most jobs or colleges. The convictions will also stay on your record forever because they cannot be expunged. You will also lose your right to vote as well as your right to carry a firearm.
No matter whether you’re arrested for strong-arm robbery or burglary, you will face serious consequences. Our lawyers understand how frightening an arrest can be. Protecting your rights, explaining the charges against you, and assisting you with your defense are our top priorities.
Contact A Knoxville Burglary & Robbery Attorney For Help
Contact us today to talk with a burglary & robbery defense attorney in Knoxville, TN. No matter what your Tennessee criminal law matter entails, you can be rest assured that our Knoxville law firm has the knowledge and skill needed to represent you. We focus exclusively on criminal defense and family law and are prepared to provide the tailored representation and counsel that you need to get the best results possible. Contact us today to set up a consultation and case evaluation!